For Buyers

Sussex Square entrance sign

Sussex Square Services, Inc. (the Association) was organized in 1978 as a Virginia Non Stock Corporation (not-for-profit) and in accordance with the Virginia Property Owners’  Association Act. The Association is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the  Association’s members. The Board has the authority and responsibility to administer the  affairs of the Sussex Square community in accordance with our governing documents.

Governing Documents

Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions: The Declaration is the “foundation”  governance document for the Association. It includes limitations and restrictions  regarding the use and appearance of properties, the rights and obligations of property owners, and the authority and responsibility of the Association to establish  and enforce administrative and operational policies and procedures.  The Declaration was amended in 2018 to allow the Association to collect a capitalization fee upon sale of a lot.

Articles of Incorporation: The Articles, filed with the state, establish the Association  as a Virginia Non-stock Corporation and provide the legal framework for the  Association’s corporate authority.

Sussex Square Services, Inc., Bylaws: The Bylaws describe the Association’s  internal governing structure and procedures.

Our Community Policies are our working document for day-to-day management of the community, and the first point of reference for homeowners and board members seeking information about processes and guidelines.  The Maintenance Chart, excerpted from the Community Policies, is a quick reference for what property maintenance tasks are the responsibility of the Association v. the homeowner.

In case of conflict among the governing documents, the Declaration controls, then the  Articles, then the Bylaws, and finally rules and policies. In some cases, state or federal law may supersede the Association’s governing documents.

Governance and Administration

Our board of directors consists of nine members serving staggered three-year terms.  Each year the board selects officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

Because the Association currently has no paid employees to help manage its  affairs, volunteer committees consisting of Sussex Square residents, and under the direction of the Board of Directors, administer and manage the day-to-day activities of the community. Some of our critical standing committees are:

Architectural Review Committee

The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is responsible for administering the  Architectural Control policy.  All exterior modifications to homes must be approved by ARC.  Contractors must be licensed and insured, and surveys and building permits are required where applicable.

General Maintenance Committee

Through outside contractors, the Maintenance Committee is responsible for providing exterior maintenance for homes and other structures in accordance with the Declaration and the Property Maintenance policy.  This committee is also responsible for maintenance of Common Area structures and portions of water and sewer lines outside foundations of homes.

Paint Committee

Through outside contractors, the Paint Committee is responsible for periodic painting for  the exterior of homes, cleaning of gutters, and power washing/staining of decks.  Homeowners choose their paint colors from a selection of colors approved by the Board.  Generally, homes are painted every eight years.  Gutters are cleaned twice each year.

Grounds Maintenance Committee

Through outside contractors, the Grounds Committee is responsible for grounds maintenance and landscaping activities for individual lots and the Common Area, in accordance with the Declaration and Property Maintenance policy.  This committee is also responsible for snow and ice removal services.

Social Committee

Our Social Committee is responsible for planning and coordinating community events  and gatherings.

Finance and Budgets

The Sussex Square Board adopts and monitors an annual operating budget of approximately $450,000. The Treasurer submits monthly statements for board review and approval and annual financial statements for approval by members at the annual meeting. The Association’s accounts, balances and reports are audited annually by a public accounting firm.

Reserves are analyzed annually, and a formal reserve study by an independent party is  performed every five years. The Board approves measures to maintain required reserves  levels.

All expenses are documented by an invoice or statement approved by the appropriate  committee chair, and/or by action of the Board. All checks must be signed by two members  of the Board. Reconciliation of bank accounts is performed by a Sussex Square  homeowner who is not a board member nor an authorized check signer.

To meet the association’s responsibilities for maintenance and administration, the Board sets the amount of regular maintenance assessments (paid monthly) and any  necessary special assessments for capital improvements in accordance with the Declaration. Homeowner responsibility for paying assessments on a timely basis is detailed further in the Declaration and the policy on Assessments and Dues.

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